How to Apply Payhere Payment Gateway

ඉහත වීඩියෝ එකේ දක්වා ඇති පරිදි අපට මෙම පේමන්ට් ගේට්වේ එක සදහා පහත තොරතුරු සහ ලියකියවිලි අවශ්‍ය වේ .. 

Payhere Support Website Language : 

Business Details

- Business Type: (Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Private Limited)

- Nature of Business

- Registered Business Name

- Business Description (Also explain why you need PayHere)

- Registration No

- Registered Date

- Business Email

- Business Phone Number

- Registered Business Address

- Business Website

- Business Facebook Page

Ownership Details

- Name & NIC number of proprietor / all partners / all directors

Bank Account Details

- Bank & Branch

- Account Name

- Account Number

Contact Person Details

- Name

- Address

- Phone Number

- NIC Number

- Date of Birth


Please attach the following scanned documents, in addition to the above details.

- Business Registration Certificate

- If a Private Limited company, Form 01/20/40 (only the latest)

- NIC of all the owners (both sides)

- NIC of the contact person (both sides)

- Bank Statement (to verify the bank account)

ඉහත තොරතුරු නිවැරදිව පරික්ෂා කර බලා පහත email ලිපිනයට යොමු කරන්න ..

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